Sharmin Alam was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 30 November 1986. She finished her SSC and HSC level studies under Dhaka Education Board and obtained B.Sc.(Hon's) in 2007 (held in 2009) and M.Sc. in Physics in 2008 (held in 2010) securing First class in both the examination from the Department of Physics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She performed her thesis work on the field of Thin Film Solar Cell. Sharmin Alam joined as a Lecturer in the Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, on 2 oct 2011. Her research interest is in the field of Materials Science, specially on the fabrication of thin film soler cell..

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Written by:Sharmin Alam
E-mail: sachaity@phy.buet.ac.bd, sachaity@yahoo.com
 Updated  29 January 2012                                                                        Updated October 2007